Developer documentation for Stargest SOAP API
Ressource : Stock
Allow you to make a stargest mouvement between retail store and warehouse from an order .
Type | Name | Description |
array | stConnexion |
Structure containing login and access key information |
string | sOrderReference |
Order reference or description |
string | sOrderID |
Order identification number |
string | sDepositCode |
Warehouse code (either sDepositCode or sShopCode is required) |
string | sShopCode |
Retail store code (either sShopCode or sDepositCode is required) |
int | nTypeDeMouvement |
Movement type code for transfer (currently, only code 28 is available) |
string | sSeasonCode |
Collection code for the document |
string | sUserCode |
User code associated with the document |
int | nIdCategory |
ID of the expected category. (0 for none) |
string | sSupplierCode |
Supplier code to be associated with the document. If left empty, no supplier is assigned. Use 00 for the default supplier. |
array | taOrderLine |
Structure that contains all products in the order |
taOrderLine Details:
Type | Name | Description |
string | sGencod |
Product barcode |
string | rQty |
Quantity of the product ordered |
string | moPriceBrut |
Unit price of the product |
string | xDiscount |
Discount rate on the product |
string | dDeliveryDate |
Optional delivery date for the product, if specified |
stConnexion Structure:
Type | Name | Description |
string | sLogin |
Login for authentication |
string | sKey |
Access key for authentication |
create_stock_movementResult Structure:
Type | Name | Description |
array | stProcessing |
Structure with process status (success or error) |
string | sDocumentNumber |
The number of the successfully generated document |
Type | Name | Description |
string | sErrorMessage |
This is a structure |
boolean | bProcessed |
This is the result of the request traitement processing |
Example Request: SOAP and PHP
$client = new \SoapClient($wsdl);
$args['stConnexion']['sLogin'] = "testUser";
$args['stConnexion']['sKey'] = "000";
$args['stOrder']['sOrderReference'] = 'This is a test transfert';
$args['stOrder']['sOrderID'] = 'MV00005';
$args['stOrder']['sDepositCode'] = '0000';
$args['stOrder']['sShopCode'] = "";
$args['stOrder']['nTypeDeMouvement'] = '28';
$args['stOrder']['sSeasonCode'] = 'H24';
$args['stOrder']['sUserCode'] = 'SV';
$args['stOrder']['nIdCategory'] = '2';
$args['stOrder']['sSupplierCode'] = 'AV';
$args['stOrder']['taOrderLine'][0]['sGencod'] = '9007000963558';
$args['stOrder']['taOrderLine'][0]['rQty'] = '2';
$args['stOrder']['taOrderLine'][0]['moPriceBrut'] = '50';
$args['stOrder']['taOrderLine'][0]['xDiscount'] = '5';
$response = $client->create_stock_movement($args);
These fields are optional !
These fields are new !